Well Child Routine Checkups

Well Visit Schedule

This schedule below is derived from American Academy of Pediatrics. Timing of the vaccines may vary depending on individual physician’s recommendations.

2 Weeks

HepB #1 (if not given in Nursery)

6 Weeks

HepB #2

10 Weeks

DTaP#1, HIB#1, IPV#1, Prevnar#1, Rotateq#1

4 1/2 Months

DTaP#2, HIB#2, IPV#2, Prevnar#2, Rotateq#2

6 1/2 Months

IPV#3, DTaP#3, HIB#3, Prevnar#3, Rotateq#3

9 Months


12 Months

Prevnar#4, Varivax#1

15 Months

MMR#1, DTaP #4, HIB #4

18 Months

Hep A #1

2 years

Hep A #2

3 years

Well Child Visit

4 years

MMR#2, Varivax #2

5 years

DTaP #5, IPV #4

6-10 years

We Recommend Yearly Well-Child Visits

11 years

TDaP, Menactra, HPV

11 years +

TDaP, Menactra, HPV


We Recommend Yearly Well Visits and HPV series

Prior To College

TDaP, Menactra, Menigitis B

Flu Vaccine

Recommened Annually for all Patients Over 6 Months